Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sunday's Signings

On Sunday the 5th, I am returning to the same HEB and having another 4 - 5 hour book signing. Everyone, please come on out and meetup.


Whoa, I went to the local HEB Plus store in Austin ( 620 & Anderson Mill) for my 1st book signing there. People were SUPER, sold alot of books which makes HEB happy, met a really nice couple named Cathy and & Andre (man what a GRIP you have Andre), and got a pointer from a beautiful lady about making my book into a tele series. And Anthony, Christine, and Angelique from the Entertainment Department made my visit AWESOME, in fact Anthony put my videos up on the big display screen and turned Michael Jackson's off for the afternoon. THIS HAS BEEN A FINE FINE DAY!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

For the first entry to Bounty Hunting in Texas today, I am starting with a comparison of styles between Dog Chapman and myself. And no, I am not going to comment on the legal aspects of Michael Jackson when he was on bond in California. Originally I called this the: Dog vs the Rhino, blog. I am just comparing the two methods of arrest. The style that Dog Chapman uses, from what I’ve observed, and my own style, in use full time for over 26 years and closer now to 6000 arrests, with hands on by me.

Use of Surprise:

Dog and myself use ’surprise’ as a key element in the arrest process. I’m sure Dog agrees that this portion of the method helps to a large degree, to keep the fugitive isolated and controlled, with the availability of the fugitive’s use of weapons to a minimum, therefore cutting the risk factor to the Hunter down to the bare minimum.

Part of the ’surprise’ element is locating and isolating the fugitive. Dog’s method of locating the fugitive is right in line with mine, calls to family and friends, ex employers, ex girlfriends, heavy emphasis on the ‘EX’ part. In the search and location of ‘outside’ help from the afore mentioned, someone in this group will wind up being the key person to give the fugitive up to you on a silver platter. Usually, someone is mad, (ex-wife, girlfriend, current girlfriend that’s mad for whatever reason, ex or current employer, etc.) or wants to see the fugitive caught for their own personal reason which they may choose to NEVER reveal to you. The others may be explained, i.e. a mother stating she doesn’t want her son/ daughter hurt, or the true reason may never come to light. However this occurs, it gives you a lever, someone who wants to see the fugitive caught for any of a number of their own reasons and is willing to turn them in. (please see Chapter 16 of, “Secrets of a Modern Day Bounty Hunter,” (’When All Else Fails, Find a Lever.’)

I’ve often said that ’seconds’ count, and quite often, even after arriving on the scene, the fugitive has literally walked off around a corner, and just disappeared. This actually happening whilst we were looking in the wrong direction. You have to admit, you cannot see all ways every second and usually your focus is in the most obvious directions, sometimes allowing the fugitive to escape.

In Chapter 12 of ‘Secrets of a Modern-Day Bounty Hunter,’ titled, "Girlfriend, Mama, Girlfriend, Mama?", I underestimated a local drug dealer in Texas by not knowing soon enough just how many girlfriend’s this one fugitive had. Granted, he only had one Mama, but as it turned out, he had 5 girlfriends total, and get this, three to four children OR MORE by EACH ONE. Talk about being a STUD DADDY! The guy HAD to make big money to support the whole group, which he did, so NO ONE would give him up. We raided what we thought was the ‘wife’s’ house, (who had by the way, 5 kids by him) and as we approached the front of the house with one of us going to the back, he slipped out, turned the corner, and disappeared! No easy feat for this one, he weighed over 400 pounds. But he flat disappeared into thin air! We caught him 2 days later at WHERE? If you read Chapter 12 you already know the answer: at his Mama’s, AND you guessed it again, she lied to the Sheriff’s that were with us and SHE when to jail with her 400 plus pound little baby boy!!!

I’ve seen several episodes of ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ and watched as several fugitives ’slipped’ away from Dog and his team. IT HAPPENS! No shame here, it just happens to everyone.

Use of Rewards:

What about rewards to snitches, you know, the people who, for money, will give up the fugitive. I’ve seen Dog do it and I have used this ‘tool’ as well. Even Judas gave up Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I guess almost everyone has their price.

This is just two of the parts of making arrests, from Dog’s style to ‘the Rhino’s’ style, which isn’t really that much different after all.

UPDATE: 6.8.09

Recently, Dog has made the news for a second time, walking the fine line of arrests without getting arrested himself. I know this is a difficult thing to accomplish, as I myself had a run in with ‘John Law’ several years ago. My license was suspended for months, the media had a frenzy frying my fanny on a hot griddle, the family I tried to arrest (husband) sued me for an ungodly amount of money, and NO ONE WOULD LET ME TELL MY SIDE OF THE STORY, which if anyone had bothered to listen, was factual and so full of proof, that immediately it could have neen seen that the wife was lying and made the story up. The police wouldn’t listen, in fact, they displayed pure hatred towards me and my partner. Thought we were on the same side? Guess I was wrong, AGAIN! The media lied by stating that their requests for my side of the story went unanswered, LIE. They wouldn’t return or answer my calls back in response to their initial call. Same with the newspapers, and in fact, Jay Leno made a statement of the incident on his Tonight show and his people wouldn’t call me back either for the truth of the issue. No rating in the truth I guess. More on this story another time.

UPDATE: 6.11.09

I would like to hear from other Hunters, as I am gathering articles to go in my new “Texas Bounty Hunter” and “American Bounty Hunter” ezines. If your contribution makes it, I would like to talk to you about writing articles for the magazine I am also putting together.

The magazine will have stories, articles, current laws and what some states are doing to the Hunters there. It will also have a section for Hunters to post their wanteds with contact numbers and wanteds pictures.

Let me know if this appeals to anyone out there.

More info on the real world of Bounty Hunting can be found on my website at:

Thanks- RJ (and Happy Hunting!!)